
A behaviour change field research was carried out in two hospitals in Fayoum, Egypt, at the beginning of 2022. This research focused on the intention to use a mobile learning application among healthcare workers in Egypt. Based on a questionnaire that 75 participants filled out, the results showed that two factors were essential for the intention to use a mobile learning application. Whether colleagues would use the app and the feeling of the urgency of staying up-to-date with current healthcare knowledge were also the most important factors for healthcare staff to want to use a mobile learning app. Secondly, results showed a high intention to use a mobile learning app: 4.7 on a 6-point scale; this was in contrast with what the hospital management predicted: they thought healthcare staff would not be interested in using a mobile learning app. The opposite seemed to be the case!
When talking to the healthcare staff, they were already looking forward to using the mobile learning application and asked questions about its availability.

Currently, ‘Tamreedik,’ the mobile learning application for use in rural areas in Egypt, is under construction.